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Meet the Jewish climate activist walking 4000 kilometres from London to Istanbul

Craig Cohon, 59, is walking 35 kilometres a day to battle climate change

June 5, 2023 17:27
WhatsApp Image 2023-03-11 at 15.07.40 (2)
4 min read

Craig Cohon’s most recent meeting with President Bill Clinton about climate change was sadly a brief 15 minutes – it was kept short because the entrepreneur-turned-climate-activist can’t stop – he has to keep to a strict schedule of walking 35 kilometres a day.

When I catch up with him the next day, he is walking – of course. As well as sounding slightly breathless as he talks, this also means he’s constantly pausing to avoid passing lorries and big scary dogs, checking he’s walking in the right direction (he’s inadvertently added 200km to his journey by wrong turns) and saying hello to confused villagers.

It was President Clinton who in some ways started Craig, a Canadian who lives in London, on this journey which has seen him do some crazy things, but perhaps none as bonkers as embarking on a 4000km ‘rock n roll’ (his words) walking tour from London to Istanbul.

"In 2000 he spoke at the World Economic Forum, which I was attending as one of their ‘global leaders of tomorrow’ and he talked about a new type of capitalism which was more inclusive and would include the externalities of social well-being and the environment inside the way we think about success,"recalls Craig, 59.