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Interview: Mitch Symons

Facts are a serious business for Mr Trivia

March 18, 2011 10:14
Mitchell Symons gave up his job as a film producer to write questions for the Trivial Pursuit board game

BySimon Round, Simon Round

4 min read

Here is a quiz question for you. Who is Britain's foremost expert on trivia? The answer, almost certainly, is Mitchell Symons. Although such things are hard to quantify, Symons has written a string of bestselling books packed with interesting, weird and occasionally gross facts about everything from sex to travel to the toilet habits of the Inuit people.

There also happen to be a couple of quite interesting facts about Symons himself. Firstly, when Chris Tarrant was asked who he would have as his "phone a friend" if he were to appear on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, he nominated Symons. In fact, Tarrant has actually made that call.

Symons recalls: "I was sitting in a railway carriage and I got this call from Chris on a bad line saying that a magazine was doing an interview with him, and was doing the Millionaire quiz on him. He had supposedly got to £250,000. The question was: 'What year did the Berlin Wall go up'. Fortunately I knew it was 1961."

The second interesting fact about Symons is that he is the proud owner of not one but two Blue Peter badges, which he received along with his two Blue Peter awards for the best book with facts - won in two successive years. This year's prize was for his latest book, Do Igloos Have Loos? He says: "I was surprised and pleased to win it again. It's great because I'm not normally the kind of person who wins things. At school I was lazy and rebellious and I didn't tend to win very much at all."