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One Life review: ‘The question that hovers is why’

Motivation is missing from this stirring biopic

January 7, 2024 09:40

ByJohn Nathan, John Nathan

2 min read

One Life


Reviewed by John Nathan

It is an odd sensation being able to insert oneself into the timeline of a life story on the big screen. In as many months I have reviewed two biopics of people I have met and of whom I have very particular memories. The first was Leonard Bernstein. I was in my 20s and after being introduced to the man whose music filled the house I was raised in I extended a diffident hand while mumbling something suitably deferential. But his hand swerved my formality and pinched me on the cheek with enough force for me to still feel it in my 50s. It was tiny expression of the expansive instinctive bravura of the man t was superbly captured by Bradley Cooper.