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Do gilts offer me a safer investment?

Our expert advises someone with £100,000 who is keen to avoid the stress of the stock-market rollercoaster

February 23, 2024 18:14
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Calmer waters: government bonds can provide a less volatile place for your money

ByRosanna Spero, Rosanna Spero

2 min read

Q I have £100,000 to invest, but the volatility in the stock market is making me uncomfortable. I have heard that gilts are a safer bet but am not really sure how to invest in them. Can you help?

A I can understand your anxiety over investing in the stock market as it has been a rollercoaster ride for some time. However, it is worth remembering that investing in shares should be viewed over the long term at least five years - so unless your chosen fund is actually vastly underperforming, then you need to ignore the ups and downs.