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The only SS judge who brought Nazis to trial

July 9, 2015 14:34
Konrad Morgen, judge for the Nazi SS in his home in 1950

ByMonica Porter, Monica Porter

5 min read

His SS Nazi Party identification card, dated 1936, shows a sombre-looking young man with short-cropped hair and round-rimmed spectacles. His rather protruding ears add to the air of 1930s dorkiness. Just another quasi-intellectual Nazi bureaucrat, you might think. But Konrad Morgen, who a few years later rose to the rank of investigating judge in the SS judiciary, was a remarkable man who boldly took on some of the worst perpetrators of evil during the Third Reich, and attempted, in his oblique way, to curtail their crimes against Jews and other victims.

He specialised in prosecuting cases of corruption - embezzlement, double-bookkeeping, black marketeering - among the SS. In so doing, he learned of the far greater crime of the Nazi regime - the systematic extermination of the Jews.

At the behest of the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, his investigations took him into Buchenwald, Dachau and Auschwitz, where SS corruption was rife. There he looked with alarm into the ''abyss''.

It was beyond the scope of his powers to prosecute these mass murders because they were deemed legal under Nazi law, indeed they were ordered by his boss Himmler and ultimately by Hitler himself, who was the very embodiment of the law during the Third Reich.