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The surprisingly Jewish legacy of Sinead O'Connor

The singer had a self-declared 'Jewish period' before she converted to Islam

July 27, 2023 14:25
Sinead O'Connor
3 min read

Sinead O’Connor’s memoir includes a chapter titled “Shevti Adonai L’Negdi Tamid”. Taken from the Book of Psalms, it translates to “I place God before me always”.

O’Connor, the singer and activist who died yesterday at 56, converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam. But she also had ties to another Abrahamic faith, Judiasm and also had what she called a “Jewish Period”.

In her memoir Remembrances, she wrote: “I tried to get lessons in Jewish ways of understanding the Scriptures, but no one would take me because I’m not Jewish”.

But O’Connor did have Kabbalah classes with a “very kind teacher” named Z’ev Ben Shimon Halevi in a school in Regent’s Park. 

Halevi, although a considerate teacher, was not exactly what O'Connor was looking for – she had long “fantasised” about a handsome rabbi who would want to marry her so she “had to become Jewish”.