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Stephen Fry: Willem And Frieda - Defying The Nazis TV review

Incredible story of two homosexuals who took a stand against Germans by creating forged identity cards that saved thousands of Jews.

March 10, 2023 11:27
73334 S1 Stephen Fry Willem and Frieda - Defying the Nazi-s -10
2 min read

Stephen Fry: Willem And Frieda: Defying The Nazis
Channel 4 | ★★★★✩

The problem with presenter-led documentaries is that the subject of the documentary can be eclipsed by the presenter and this is rather the case with Channel 4’s documentary Stephen Fry: Willem & Frieda — Defying the Nazis.

That said, the story obviously resonates on a personal level with Fry, who is both Jewish and gay, and it is certainly one that deserves to be told to a wide audience.

Fry is right to point out that the names of Willem Arondeus and Frieda Belinfante are little known outside the Netherlands, and that they should be better known.