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How to die laughing

The cranes that build the cranes and Kneller's happy campers

July 16, 2009 15:59
dyson 7
2 min read

Build The Cranes
By Jeremy Dyson
Little, Brown, £12.99

Kneller’s Happy Campers
By Etgar Keret
Chatto & Windus, £6.99

Why do we cherish the creaky doors of mystery fiction, no matter how often they have spooked us before? This is one realm where we suspend our clamour for originality and simply savour that well-worn frisson. In Jeremy Dyson’s second collection, The Cranes That Build The Cranes, each of the nine stories unashamedly celebrates a different aspect of the genre.

‘Out of Bounds’ is a perfectly voiced boarding-school tale in which two friends bully their misfit peer into accompanying them down into the school cellar, late one night. When mysterious triangles appear scribbled on the cellar ceiling, the reader’s expectation that there is more here than the odd rat is confirmed.