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From a drag queen to Captain Gabi: Fauda's ever-changing Itzik Cohen

He’s played Hitler, a sumo wrestler and an Israeli politician — Francine White meets the chameleon-like Fauda star

July 7, 2022 13:31
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8 min read

As Fauda launches its fourth series in Israel next week (be patient UK fans, it’s coming here on Netflix soon), one of its stars, Itzik Cohen – aka Captain Gabi Ayoub – is heading to Uruguay to film the second series of another hit how show, Amazon Prime’s Yosi.
This time Cohen is playing the head of Mossad; “I’ve been promoted!’ he jokes.
Who doesn’t love Captain Gabi? Twice divorced with five children, he never wants to authorise a mission because he worries about his team. I tell him Gabi is my favourite Fauda character. “Mine too!” he says laughing.

Speaking from his new home in Tel Aviv, Cohen is warm and engaging; he looks relaxed in a bold print brown and white shirt. A colourful painting of the seafront of Tel Aviv dominates the wall behind him. He’s recently moved in and tells me: “Moving to a different place is a big, big thing. I know every nail by name. If you don’t unpack in the first month, you don’t do it. I have designed everything, the kitchen, the décor.”

Cohen is very famous in Israel and has been for a long time. He’s now built an international career, in films including Spider in The Web with Sir Ben Kingsley and Oslo with Andrew Scott. For Oslo, he didn’t even have to audition for his eventual role of Yossi Beilin, the Israeli deputy foreign minister who was a crucial figure in creating the Oslo Accord in 1993.

Director Bartlett Sher contacted Cohen to ask him to be in the film, but not initially as Beilin. “First of all, it was a great honour,” says Cohen, “it happened during Covid and there I was in Prague filming with these incredibly talented actors. But when the director first approached me, it was for a different role. My agent said, ‘Don’t say no.’ But I said I would prefer to do something else. I want to play Yossi Beilin, he’s a very interesting character, very different to me, and looked very different to me.” Eventually Sher was convinced.