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Book review: Without Let or Hindrance

Geoffrey Charin's debut novel is a terrific historical thriller

December 15, 2021 22:32
without let or hindrance
1 min read

Geoffrey Charin’s debut novel starts as a detective thriller. The bodies of two women are found in an apartment in Berlin in 1938 and Inspector Stieglitz is called in to investigate. But very quickly the novel turns into a different kind of thriller, full of spies, fascists, refugees and famous politicians — with the odd reference to the Jewish Chronicle.
The central character is Veronica Beaumont, a young aristocrat, the daughter of Sir Roland Beaumont and his wife Cynthia, wealthy antisemites.
We first meet Veronica at a party at the Duke of Wellington’s residence in Mayfair. The party is in aid of the Anglo-German Friendship Club and Veronica is accompanied by Billy Watson, a rising star in the British Union of Fascists. Other guests include Unity Mitford, Sir Oswald Mosley and Mrs Diana Guinness. Everyone who is anyone in right-wing antisemitic circles seems to be there.
But all is not what it seems. Veronica has recently found out that her aunt and uncle live in Nazi Berlin and are desperate to get out. Her aunt’s description of their life in Berlin is shocking and Veronica’s life changes overnight. She sets out to rescue her uncle and aunt and Jewish friends of theirs trapped in Berlin, and Veronica becomes involved with an organisation dedicated to rescuing German Jews.
From here on, the novel gathers pace, with constant twists and turns and a fascinating cast of characters, which includes vicious British fascists, Nazis, German and British Jews, forgers, and politicians including the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Lord Halifax and “Rab” Butler.
Everyone seems to be plotting against everyone else. The Anglo-German Friendship Club and the fascists, including Veronica’s lover Billy, want to prevent war with Germany. So, for very different reasons, do Chamberlain and the Appeasers; British Jews want to try and smuggle German Jews into Britain, or, failing that, Palestine; and then there are various secret agents with their various agendas.
Without Let or Hindrance moves between London and Berlin. Veronica has recently spent a year in Germany, speaks fluent German, and travels to Berlin on her secret mission as the pace picks up. Charin has done his research and the novel is full of knowing references to the Evian Conference, Kristallnacht and the growing Czech crisis.
And he has written a terrific historical thriller. As the political mood in Germany darkens and war approaches, the novel becomes deeply moving.
The noose tightens around the German Jews whom Veronica is trying to rescue. The British fascists and German Nazis become increasingly menacing.
Will Veronica succeed, or will the forces of evil kill her, and who will get to her first: the British fascists, the SA or Inspector Stieglitz and the Berlin police?

Without Let or Hindrance is published by The Book Guild, £9.99

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