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Billy Joel BST Hyde Park review: Nothing new, nothing but bangers

The piano man brought his Long Island grit and Broadway panache to Hyde Park, with a surprise appearance by Joe Jonas

July 9, 2023 09:00
2RB66G9 - Billy Joel BST
2RB66G9 London, UK. Friday, 7 July, 2023. Bill Joel at American Express Presents BST in Hyde Park, London. Photo: Richard Gray/Alamy Live News
2 min read

Billy Joel first played in London at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane in 1978. It was a time of high inflation, mass strikes, and crippling mortgage payments. Nearly 50 years later, as Billy Joel took to the stage this time around, things were totally different.

We now have smartphones.

Billy Joel is nothing if not, at his heart, a showman. His fans know what they love and he knows how to make them happy. Starting his nearly two-hour set with a disclaimer, he told the 65,000-person crowd in Hyde Park that he had good news and bad. "The bad news is that we don't have anything new to play" he announced before adding: "The good news is you don't have to listen to anything new.”

Joel, who has not released any new songs since 1994, has one of the deepest back catalogues in popular music. No matter how many songs of his you think you know, there's always another hit you've forgotten. And decades after their release, timeless Joel hits are still finding new ears.