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The Jewish Chronicle

Letter From Split

Ana dines out on stories of the past

August 17, 2009 09:10
Ana Lebl: reviving a community

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

In the 20 years that I’ve been coming to Split, I’d never registered the fact that this old Mediterranean port not only had a Jewish community but one of the oldest in Europe.

How many times had I hurried through the narrow, dark alleyways without noticing the delicately carved niches in the doorways, designed to hold mezuzot?

Pointing them out makes Ana Lebl, feisty leader of this hundred-strong community, break into a smile. A one-woman powerhouse and store of knowledge, she and her non-Jewish husband have pored over the records, tracing the long history of Split’s Jews over the ages.

“We’ve definitely been here since the 7th century,” Ms Lebl says, emphatically. “When the Roman city of Salona was evacuated and the people moved into the ruined palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian at Spalato, the Jews came with the refugees.”