I have to admit, I never used the word "Zionist" until I was about 20 years old.
I clearly remember dating someone when I was 19 who said to me something like
" You Zionists are using genocide to wipe out the Palestinians".
That was over twenty years ago now, and nothing seems to have changed.
In fact, the lies and the propaganda against Israel has got worse. It has seeped out from the pages of far left newspapers and anti war demos, and on the streets of the recent “occupy” protests, onto social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
However more worrying, is that it is crossing the boundaries from political agenda, to just plain old
anti Jewish bullying.
Through debate, and in less than 140 characters if you are on Twitter, coping with the Anti-Israel type attacks is quite easy and challenging. You bring forth dates and historical evidence, and answer their questions with pure facts, which usually leads to either stopping the questions or a silence with maybe only an expletive from them at the end of the conversation. For example, no one can continue with an "apartheid" argument when Israel is one of the most multicultural and multi ethnic countries in the world. However, it is hard to defend yourself from “anti racists” when the “anti racists” are only being “racist” against Israel.
So, how does one react, when the word "Jew" and "Nazi" is being targeted at you, by anonymous names behind a computer screen?
There is no debate. There are no facts to answer with. Its just like going back to schooldays when kids are shouting Jew this and Jew that to you.
At the end of the day, there is no answer.Anti-Semites will still be anti-Semites, even if Israel did not exist, and we know this because the "holocaust" happened before Israel even mattered to the so called anti Zionists.
It does seem though, that its now easier to hide your hatred for the Jews, whilst using the existence of Israel as an excuse for it.
As the saying goes, a leopard doesn't change his spots, and nor does the anti-Semite.