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Will the Gaza marches ever return?

Whether on the streets of London or university campuses, the anti-Israel radicalism seems to have receded… for now

August 16, 2024 16:18
Copy Of pro palestine demo august 3 2024 London_GettyImages-2164624394
Gaza demonstrators take part in a relatively small march in August in London after the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran (Getty)
5 min read

Where have all the Gaza marches gone?

Think back to October and November and they regularly attracted up to 200,000 people in a blizzard of antisemitic placards, balaclavas and red flares. Remember those thugs climbing bus stops and scaffolding to raise merry hell, while the police held their flags for them then tweeted to reassure the public that they were safe? Remember the cops musing on the context of “jihad” as chanted by Hizb ut-Tahrir (which was later proscribed)?

Remember those young women wearing paraglider pictures on their backs? Remember the Iranian counter-protester with the Israeli flag fleeing for his life from the mob? Remember Gideon Falter being unable to cross the road?

Whisper it, but that is all starting to feel like a former time. By the spring, the rallies had shrunk to 20,000 or even 10,000 attendees; these days, they are orders of magnitude smaller, if they take place at all.