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Why Grazia, why?

January 17, 2009 13:24
1 min read

Among the glossy photos of handbags and shoes and peurile gossip about celebrities in Grazia magazine (12th Jan '09), a one page 'inside story' pops up, incongruously sandwiched between pictures of Cameron Diaz and Marc Jacobs' clothes. Is it an advertorial?

The headline is 'All we can do is pray we will survive this'- the article is about Salwa El Tibi, Save the Children UK's Gaza Programme Manager.

Heart-rending the article is indeed - just like the pictures of running agonised figures carrying children along the street on the BBC and Sky news every evening. Completely one-sided it also is. At the end of the article (just one bite-sized page) is an appeal to donate to Save The Children with email and telephone contact details.

The most striking aspect of the article is the small box at the end, informing Grazia readers of the history of the conflict as follows: