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Which came first, antisemitism or the Jew? Why not ask the boxer?

The JC Essay

June 6, 2012 16:36
8 min read

Two true stories and one joke:

1 A suave restaurant in Manhattan. Midtown, near the Lincoln Centre. Not long ago. I was having dinner with a couple of women who were Broadway producers, and another guy. I had met him only five minutes earlier. The conversation was relatively unprovocative and mainly to do with musicals. Then, out of nowhere, he fixed me with his gaze, wagged an admonishing finger, and said: "Why do all Brits hate the Jews?" The conversation never fully recovered.

2 As reported by a friend in the Foreign Office. Generally based in Cairo and fluent in Arabic, he happened to be in Israel. He hadn't even mentioned the Palestinians yet (although that was part of his brief). His interlocutor said: "When I go home, I am going to be listening to Mozart. So what is it you have against the Jews?"

3 Sacha Baron Cohen at the London première of The Dictator. "I am Prince Harry's father. From his mother he gets his fair complexion. And from me he gets his enjoyment of dressing up as a Nazi."