
What does Bibi Really Want?

May 25, 2011 10:01

I supported Sharon for over twenty years.

Until the disasterous Gush Katif fiasco.

Now Bibi leaves me with a similar mental schism.

Yesterday he gave Congress at least four reasons why there will be no Peace Talks in the immediate future, because the Arabs will refuse to accept the conditions imposed:

1. Jerusalem remains exclusively Israeli and undivided.
2. No return of any refugees.
3. Recognition of the State of Israel as a Jewish State.
4. Removal of Hamas from government.

So Bibi is worthy of support ...

On the other hand, he stated loud and clear his support for a Palestinian State. Certainly in direct contradiction to Halacha, but long before we get there the security considerations remain paramount.

He went too far when he said that Israel would be the FIRST to recognize a "Palestinian State" under the conditions he laid out.

Reminds me of a comment made by the late Yisrael Eldad (father of MK Arieh Eldad) when Begin returned from Camp David in the seventies, exuding satisfaction:

"There is a halacha that says that if a man is lost in the wilderness, he is allowed to eat pig in order to remain alive. But nowhere is it stated that one is commanded to lick one's fingers."

May 25, 2011 10:01

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