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What did the Ottoman Empire ever do for us? Quite a lot, in fact

Contrary to the prevailing view, the Turkish civilisation had an egalitarian, multi-cultural outlook which protected Jews

October 21, 2022 09:32
Jews of Salonika-1917
5 min read

November 2022 marks the centenary of the Ottoman Empire’s demise and much attention, as usual, will be focussed on the final bloody decades. Western Europe’s prevailing view of their gigantic eastern rival has tended to be overwhelmingly negative, with deeply embedded stereotypes like “the terrible Turk” and “the Ottoman yoke” drowning out any narrative that dares to highlight a few positives.

But an empire that lasted over 600 years, spanned three continents and ruled over 30 million subjects comprising more than 70 ethnicities speaking 12 different languages must have got something right.

The secret of Ottoman success lay in its egalitarian approach, as in Bursa, the model Ottoman city and first capital, which was designed from the bottom-up, around the needs of the community. When UNESCO added Bursa to its list of World Heritage Sites in 2014, it cited the city as an example of “exceptional urban planning… with its social, religious and commercial functions reflecting the values of the society and the values it accepted from its neighbours, during long years of migration from Central Asia to the West… in the integration of Byzantine, Seljuk, Arab, Persian and other influences.”

Theirs was the most cosmopolitan state on earth, with community services free to all, irrespective of religion or ethnicity. From the outset, in 1299, Osman, as leader of the Turkmen tribe that gave the empire its name, accepted that if their state was to prosper in a world surrounded by enemies, they needed people with the skills that they themselves, as nomads, lacked. Spiritual guides in the form of Sufi dervishes, honest traders and merchants, craftsmen, artisans, poets, scribes and civil servants with organisational abilities were all welcomed, no matter what their religion or ethnicity. As a result, the empire flourished and was, on the whole, run by people of genuine ability. The same mindset informed their approach to refugees, whom they consistently welcomed and supported.

