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Stephen Rosenthal

ByStephen Rosenthal, Stephen Rosenthal


We can't relate to this EU debate

June 9, 2016 13:36
3 min read

Like me, you're probably thinking about how you should vote in the upcoming EU Referendum. And if, like me, you're struggling, worry not. It's not you. It's us. I'm just not sure that Jews and referendums naturally go together.

I'm convinced our propensity to question, test and challenge everything - all the time - is genetic. The done-to-death "two Jews, three views, four arguments" lives on because, much as we roll our eyes, it's based, partially at least, on truth.

Just look at our most heralded scriptures. The Five Books of Moses have thousands of books of commentary and analysis, questioning each other and proposing new interpretations and nuances, 3,000 years post-Sinai.

And had the Talmud looked merely to list questions asked and answers supplied, it'd take up considerably less space on your bookshelves than its 63 tractates and more than 6,200 pages of conclusion, compromise and intellectual battle demand.