Isn't this fascinating, Mr Spock? At the time where Libyans are massacred in higher numbers than were the pretext of the Goldstone report (when Israel defended its civilians from HAMAS terrorist attacks), the UNHRC praises Gaddafi!
Note that the 'Palestinians' are among those who praised the dictators. Joined by all the banana republics and dictators of this planet. Brazil showed its dark side again. Bolivia is strangely absent from this list. Probable that Morales had something better to do that day...
Here is the 'Palestinian' praise of the Libyan regime. Maybe the rabid haters simoneq, zair, Wallinuts and simonsam will be able to criticise that support of a bloody dictator as much as they blamed Israel for the support of the mild dictator Mubarak.
Palestine commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the consultations held with civil society in the preparation of the national report, which demonstrated its commitment to the improved enjoyment of human rights. Palestine praised the country for the Great Green Document on Human Rights. It noted the establishment of the national independent institution entrusted with promoting and protecting human rights, which had many of the competencies set out in the Paris Principles. It also noted the interaction of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya with human rights mechanisms.
And note the many dictators, that the above-mentioned antisemitic haters have never criticised in their lives, support their dear Gaddafi.