
Tzav Shmoneh

December 28, 2008 12:24
1 min read

It’s just been announced that the government has approved the emergency call up of thousands of reservists for the Gaza operation. This call up is known as tzav shmoneh. It’s a frightening development particularly for those of us whose family members are serving soldiers and reservists.

I was instantly taken back to the dreadful summer of 2006, which was the last time tzav shmoneh was issued. The all-too-familiar knot of tension has returned to my stomach and will stay there until this war is over.

I agree that Israel had to respond, and I have no time at all for those who say our response thus far is “disproportionate”. It is pure luck that the qassam rockets fired at Israel to date have not killed at least 200 people. The intention when the rockets are launched is always to kill and maim as many Israelis as possible.

It gives me an even greater sense of déjà vu to see a sombre Ehud Olmert talking about the Gaza offensive. It’s very disturbing to be fighting another war with the failed – and disgraced - prime minister still at the helm. At least this time we seem to have a competent minister of defence calling the shots.

I just hope and pray that Ehud Barak has a realistic war – and peace - plan.