Recent events in Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan and Egypt clearly illustrate just how volatile, unpredictable and unforgiving the Middle East can be. Lebanon, for example, Israel's northern neighbor, has virtually fallen into Iran's orbit with very ominous implications. Jordan, to the east, is also dangerously veering towards Iran's magnetic pull. The fate of Egypt, Israel's southern and most powerful neighbor, has suddenly become uncertain as well. Israel is surrounded by Arab states in flux. In the Middle East, there are no guarantees, no certainty and no mercy. This will only make it harder for Israel to maintain the delicate balance she needs to keep things quiet and even-keeled. If these seismic shifts occurring around her prove not to be a just passing phase but a permanent reshuffling of the deck, Israel will need rethink her strategies and get on the defensive to hold her own and survive.
So why then are the various "peace groups" such as Peace Now and others trying to sabotage Israel's security at a time when she needs it most? By advocating for a "Two State Solution", these groups are pushing for Israel to give up control over her most valuable land assets, Judea and Samaria (a.k.a "West Bank"). If these groups get their way, Israel will be left with INDEFENSIBLE borders. It doesn't take too much of an imagination stretch to see that a new cataclysmic war would then follow.
Israel is an island of democracy, sanity and Judeo-Christian Western values in a sea of turmoil antithetical to the West and to peace. She has been correctly compared to the US's largest "battleship" floating in an enemy-infested sea of intolerance. The last thing Israel and the West need are to be blindsided by these "peace groups" whose real agenda is only to undermine Israel's security.
Repeat: Samaria (Shomron) is Israel's most critically important real estate asset. Without it, her borders are indefensible. For a good, graphic look at Samaria, log onto the SHOMRON CENTRAL blog here: