Tonight really is different from all other nights. After four years of fulminating and proselytising against Israel on Talksport Radio every friday and saturday night, George Galloway’s radio show is no more.
Galloway says:
“After a run of more than four years the highly popular radio show – The Mother of All Talkshows – has been killed off by the TalkSport management. I believe this is a business mistake, but then I don’t run the radio station and such decisions are not mine to take….It is unlikely that the TalkSport management will change their mind and re-instate the show – but you never know.”
Obviously, George’s listening figures fell short of Talksport’s desires.
Reasoned listeners enjoy a debate but what they tend to get with George is just one-side of the argument.
(Yours truly was “banned” from the show for “deceiving the listeners”.)
Callers had to cough up 10 pence-per-minute to hang on the line while George seems to have earned over £100k a year while working at Talksport.
George is instead launching an internet radio station called Rebel Radio which will be “free speech radio, beyond Ofcom”.
The internet is the best place for George but there will be some television appearances and there is the general election to consider.
In 2005 when George was elected in Bethnal Green and Bow he received 15,801 votes out of the 44,007 votes cast out of, approximately, 87,000 eligible voters.
Incredibly, only some 18% of his constituents actually voted for him!
Approximately 82% of the voters he has represented over the last five years didn’t “vote George”.
Maybe this partially explains why on May 6th George will be standing in neighbouring Poplar and Limehouse instead.
For full piece see: