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To protect human rights, governments must stop funding the NGO campaign against Israel

It is time for the world to confront this existential threat head-on, lest history repeat itself with devastating consequences

April 9, 2024 09:18
Yasser Arafat (right) with other delegates at the opening of the U.N. World Conference Against Racism, in Durban 31 August 2001 (Photo by PPO / AFP) (Photo by -/PPO/AFP via Getty Images)
4 min read

A few weeks ago, nurses at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, wearing pro-Palestinian stickers, were accused of removing a nine-year-old Jewish boy, easily identified as such by his traditional attire, from his bed. He was apparently forced to endure a transfusion from the floor of his hospital room.

This incident, now being investigated by the hospital, is just one example of the many dehumanising acts targeting Jews since the attacks that led Israel into war with Hamas on October 7. Segregation, discrimination, double standards, and antisemitic harassment have become commonplace in many Western societies.

But these are not a series of random, isolated events; rather, Israel and the Jewish people are facing a carefully orchestrated campaign, led, at least partly, by Western government-funded NGOs that claim to act in the name of human rights.

This situation is unfolding in three distinct phases. We are currently witnessing the transition from the first to the second phase of this pernicious campaign, which will head to an unimaginably darker place if left unchecked.