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This wasn’t a debate but a shakedown at the Oxford Union

Oxford’s Jewish students were right to avoid this utter disgrace

December 3, 2024 16:12
oxford union D4RJD8
The Oxford Union chamber (Alamy)
3 min read

Much to its pride, the Oxford Union, which calls itself the foremost debating society in the world, passed a motion last week naming Israel a genocidal apartheid state.

The Union is not part of the university, and I always avoided it when I was at Oxford in the 1990s. It was for teenage braggarts – that is, the vulnerable and the perennially insecure – pretending they were cabinet ministers. Antisemitism at Oxford was mere fumes then, though you might meet a professor who was also a Kindertransport child. (I did, and I knew without knowing I knew.) We were something different: slightly vulgar, slightly odd. Nothing worse than that, though I remain annoyed that the Jewish role in the foundation of the university – money, obviously, before we were expelled in 1290 – is somewhat opaque. If I had known I would have minded less about the constant anxiety that, in Oxford, a cathedral is always about to fall on your head.

The debate was a disgrace, and beleaguered Jewish students, bullied since October 7, avoided it. They don’t need the pain, and that is why the motion passed with such a large majority: 278 to 59. Many of those who attended – including the pro-Israel speakers – called themselves shocked by the tone of the debate, the heckling, the laughter, the strategic coughing. It was compared to the Dreyfus trial, and in that is my hope.

It isn’t that the Oxford Union is often wrong. Most famously it passed a pacifist motion in 1933. Six years later, we were at war. It’s this: it wasn’t a debate but a shakedown, and you only do that if you are stupid – not impossible in Oxford – and afraid.