Mr Walinets I am speechless now you are denying that Jews have the right to return to their homeland from where they were, despite a small remnant always remaining here, banished for two thousand years during which time as a people despite massacres inquisitions progroms etc they never ever gave up on their vision to return and rebuild the Jewish Homeland. The Passover seder has throughout generation after generation as has the Neilah Service on Yom Kippur ended with the words "Next year in Jerusalem".
For the two thousand years of dispersion Jews have been vilified and persecuted wherever they have lived. With very few notable exceptions no country took in Jews willingly and even if they have taken them they have been tolerated rather than made at home. Nearly a million Jews were displaced by the Arabs between 1948 and 1956 many of whom came to Israel leaving behind all their possessions and property. Jews living in Soviet Russia were prevented from coming to Israel and once free to do so millions came back to their roots.
For over sixty years Israel has had to contend with Arab aggression and obduracy. Israel was founded as a homeland for the Jews and as such as Jews those people making Aliya are exercising their right of self determination and returning to their homeland if you have difficulty with that then that's your problem. This was never an Arab Sovereign State and nor was it any Arabs homeland - they never exercised any right of self determination even though the Arabs conquered the land in the seventh century. Even when they had the opportunity between 1949 and 1967 to exercise a right of self determination they did not and Jordan illegally claimed as its own with which the PLO leadership concurred. This is the State of the Jewish people it has been so since 1948 and will continue to be so - The Arabs have been given the opportunity to which I for one do not consider they have proved themselves trustworthy to receive (since whilst they expect Israel to accept that theirs will be the State of the Palestinian people they will not accept that Israel is and will always be the State of the Jewish people) to set up their own state. Once they have their own State people claiming to be Palestinian will have a home to go to and it will not be Israel so it is about time they and people like you accepted what is going to be that is if you truly believe in a peaceful solution which recognizes each side's national aspirations - which personally from what you post I sincerely doubt.
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