The more desperate Millis gets in trying to shove his misbegotten idea that Israel will be miraculously saved if only it would withdraw from Judea and samaria and he really is scraping the barrel now with his latest post the more convinced I am that it will never happen. In any event Mr Millis is so convinced of his own ideas which unfortunately are shared by a number of other misguided people that he fails to notice what the other side are saying and doing.[see]
Leaders of the Hamas terrorist group made it clear last week they would never recognize the existence of the nation of Israel. In an interview with the Arab news agency Ma'an, Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar said that while Hamas would be willing to accept an Arab state within the "1967 borders", Hamas would never recognize Israel since such a move would counter the group's aim to "liberate" all of "Palestine". The Hamas leader said that recognizing Israel would jeopardize the right of return for Arab 'refugees' who have been "exiled" from the land since 1948 when Israel was recognized by the United Nations. If only Arabs in Judea and Samaria and Gaza are considered citizens of an Arab state, he continued, "what will be the fate of the five million Palestinians [sic] in the Diaspora?" At the same time, the Hamas leader confirmed the decision reached with Fatah to maintain the truce with Israel, calling the move "part of the resistance, not a cancellation," and noting that "truce is not peace." The Hamas leader, however, reiterated that the truce was "part of the resistance not its rejection," adding that a "truce is not peace." Speaking in an interview with the Iranian news service FNA, a senior Arab legislator and member of the Fatah terrorist group underlined on Monday that Fatah and Hamas share the same view on Israel as neither one recognizes the Israeli regime as a state. "No one in Fatah and Hamas movements recognizes Israel," Abdullah Abdullah told FNA when asked if the so-called Fatah-Israel peace talks would continue, given Hamas's opposition to the process. This is in direct opposition to what the United States, Britain and others proclaim regarding Fatah's stance on recognizing Israel.
So Mr Millis you would like us to give up Judea and Samaria so what precisely will we receive in its place? It certainly will neither be peace nor recognition.