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Set a timer to avoid some common dating pitfalls

Working in theatre, running my business, hanging out with family and friends and going to the gym leaves little time for romance

November 3, 2022 14:42
Couple of young people drinking coffee and eating cake in a stylish modern cafeteria
2 min read

They say that looking for a new job is a full-time job within itself, and I am here to tell you that the same goes for managing one’s love life.

From dating-app admin to the practicalities of scheduling a date, it is a headache that mostly turns into heartache.

We all need a reset every once in a while, so in a bid to conquer dating burnout, I introduce you to the “waste not want not” era of dating.

Set a timer (don’t actually)

Finding time for myself around working in theatre, running my business, hanging out with family and friends and working out is hectic.

And that isn’t even the full list. Life gets in the way and, when prioritising, dating can easily fall by the wayside.

This is why first dates should be no longer than an hour and a half, two hours tops. It is a healthy amount of time to discover whether you want to see this person again. After all, you want to leave them wanting more and you should end date one wanting to know more about them too. Mystery is hot but setting boundaries is hotter.

Stick to a budget
Dating can be very expensive and I’m not just talking about the date itself. You invest in meeting someone so before you even get to the date, there is paying for a dating app/ service, the grooming process and travel.

A cheeky coffee date can help control the bank balance as can a simple park walk (although these still scream pandemic date ideas). Also, call me controversial, but I am conflicted about the notion of men paying for dates, especially first ones. I don’t want to owe anyone anything and a first date is always hit or miss so why should the man take the financial hit?

Curb the calories
Dating can be very high in calories. Dinner and drinks are such timeless classic date ideas, but they aren’t great for the waistline. Stop wasting calories on mediocre dates eating average food. I won’t go for dinner until date five. The first four should be more about playful vibes and a meal just won’t offer that. I’ll accept drinks are ideal as they are low-key and non-committal. Just be tactical with your choice of cocktail.

Careless hangovers
Speaking of drinks, I refuse to wake-up with a hangover from another unsuccessful night where I connected more with the barman than the man that I’m on a date with.

I’ve had enough of using alcohol to get through lacklustre dates and this can easily be solved by following the timer rule and calling it a night at the 90-minute mark. No need for extra time and extra shots because the hangover is never worth it the following morning.

So, this is what I like to call dating smarter, not harder. Try implementing these guidelines when planning your next first date.

I guarantee it will leave you feeling in control of your love life and prevent dating burnout — because nobody has time for that.