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Saturday’s march shows that it’s really about Jews, not Palestinians

The march is going ahead despite the ceasefire deal – and I would bet my mortgage that the hate will be more vitriolic than ever

January 16, 2025 12:23
Demonstrators in London last March (Getty Images)
2 min read

If you’re looking for evidence that it’s Jews who are the real target of the hate marches, you might have thought it would be difficult for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to top its demand this week that the police let it remain free to intimidate Jews on their way to and from synagogue when it marches on Saturday. (The Met have, after over a year, developed the beginnings of a backbone and ordered the marchers to change their route.)

Well, you’d be wrong.

The very fact the march is still happening, now that there is a ceasefire deal in place, shows what’s really behind the demos. Since the very first demo on October 13 2023, just six days after Hamas butchered 1200 Israelis and before a single IDF soldier had set foot in Gaza, the PSC has been screaming for a ceasefire. (An unconditional ceasefire, that is – with no mention of the need for the hostages to be released. They’re only Jews, after all.) The marches, they have insisted, have been all about humanitarian concern with Gaza and stopping ‘genocide’.

Well, there is now an agreement for a ceasefire. Assuming Hamas sticks to its word, it’s happening. Cue relief? Cue a solemn sense of hope that there may be a path now to something better? Cue scrapping a march which was arranged to call for the very thing that has now been agreed?