One thing to think about when starting out your planning for the biggest day of your life. Do I have the time on top of my everyday life to plan such a big event and keep control of it all?
If the answer is no, there is nothing wrong with asking the experts for help. It just means that you are busy with your everyday lives.
Planning is the single most crucial aspect of a successful wedding. It will minimize stress and friction leading up to the wedding and will make the day itself an enjoyable day for the couple, family and guests.
My Blog will be an informative tool to help you with ideas you may have not thought of.
It can take anything up to 250 hours to plan your wedding day. About 26% of people hire a wedding planner, the rest of people wish they had.
With over 15 years experience we can tailor make your wedding with the suppliers that we have on hand.
Call us to discuss your requirements in more details.