When you apply for a passport, you have to supply two photos.
And when you go through passport control in The UK they always check whether the photo on your passport (which you sent them at the time of applying for the passport) is identical to the photo on their computer system.
So, if the passports were forged and a new photo was just stuck in, how was it that the same new photo was not also on the Dubai immigration passport control computer system?
One has to conclude that such a system doesn't exist. Perhaps The UK passport authorities, in accordance with interantional procedures, do not supply their photo data base to other countries? If that is the case, which it probably is, then it would be extremely easy for terrorists to also travel on forged passports.
Of course, I am not equating Mossad with terrorists like Hamas. I believe, for what it is worth, that Mossad did carry out the murder of the Hamas terrorist and it was, moreover, executed with text-book precision.