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More words of wisdom

July 25, 2011 18:45
1 min read

"And have you noticed that when it's a right winger who goes on a killing spree, then he or she is a "deranged individual" (McVeigh, Baruch Goldstein, Ami Popper, etc), yet when there is a terror attack, then it's Islam in general that's at fault."

The difference being we have no way of knowing why Baruch Goldstein or Ami Popper did what they did they were lynched before they could face a court of law and more importantly they acted on their own. However your Muslim terrorist does us a "favour" and leaves us a video in which he proudly tells us that he is doing what he is doing for Allah and Islam which is then broadcast by the cowards who sent him on his "mission" of death.

More love from Judea.