The JC
Lebanon, Keir Starmer and East End synagogues
Abraham Accords, NEU and Bibi
Harmony, Hezbollah and a countess’s heritage
Israel, Eruvs and the olympics
Dr Tony Klug, Barrington Black, Anthony Green, Shimon Cohen, Leo Davidson, Lewis Herlitz, Dr Yair Sternberg and Martin Sugarman share their views with JC readers
Ruth Hilton, Baruch Tenembaum, Lewis Herlitz, Stephen Miller, Bonita Posen and John Morrissey share their views with JC readers
Dr Stanley Jacobs, Barry Hyman, Professor Stephen Neidle, Renee Bravo, K. Miller and Steven R. Harvey share their views with JC readers
Barbara Weiss, Shimon Cohen, Gary Mond, Laurie Rosenberg, Dan Alder, David-Hillel Ruben and Kay Bagon share their views with JC readers
Geoffrey Bard, Andie Lucas, Richard Franklin, Dr Stanley Jacobs Neville Landua, Dr Yair Sternberg and Lesley Urbach share their views with JC readers
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