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The JC Letters Page, 16th August 2019

Rod Liddle, Daniel Tunkel, Stuart Goodman. David Levenson and Ian Bloom share their views with JC readers

August 15, 2019 11:43
5 min read

Liddle is no false friend of Israel — he is an ally

I read with growing anger the article by Jonathan Freedland (Beware of false friends like Rod Liddle and Katie Hopkins, their motive is hateful, August 8). He suggests that Rod Liddle was trying to coerce olim to speak against Muslims.

Frankly, I think that it is Jonathan Freedland who we should be beware of. I was one of the people Rod Liddle interviewed. 

Far from feeling that he wanted me to make disparaging comments about Muslims, I felt that he was concerned for and interested in Israel. 
That is real support for Israel.

Freedland writes: “I can see why Jews who defend Israel might be grateful for any support, but this is support that’s not worth having”. He writes for a paper (The Guardian) that always obsesses about Israel, blaming Israel, distorting facts, publishing misleading headlines,  carefully omitting relevant facts about the brutal and vicious weekly attacks on the Gaza border by Hamas terrorists.