
Survivor squalor

May 7, 2015 16:28
1 min read

Whatever our politics, whatever our religious outlook, whatever our income, there is surely one thing on which we can all agree: it cannot be right for Holocaust survivors to live in poverty. Many will be shocked to discover that, according to the Six Point Foundation, there are at least one hundred survivors living below the breadline in squalor. That is a figure that shames our community. When Thea Rudzinski, a Kindertransport refugee from Austria, says, "When you have been through what we have, we are very used to getting by on the bare minimum and you manage", no heart can remain unmoved. It is precisely because of what they have been through that no survivor should ever have to think such a thought. All survivors deserve to live in comfort - and with dignity. We are lucky to be blessed with many generous philanthropists. Quite rightly - and proudly - many British Jews support the network of Café Brittanias in Israel championed by the outgoing British Ambassador, Matthew Gould. But it is simply wrong that so many survivors here are unable to make ends meet. We must act now.