
Stop the stoppers

May 23, 2013 15:19
1 min read

Under its previous chairman, Dame Suzi Leather, the Charity Commission often behaved as if it was in thrall to whatever was the latest fashionable cause.

Its current chairman, William Shawcross, has stopped the politicisation and imposed some much-needed rigour on the commission's work. In that vein the commission has squashed the attempt by Stop The JNF to have the JNF stripped of its charitable status. Be in no doubt what the real agenda was here.

Stop The JNF is another of those organizations which just happens to focus exclusively on attacking Jewish causes. However great the human rights abuses in the Arab world may be, they are cannot rouse themselves into action to protest. But when the word Israel - or, in JNF's case, explicitly, Jewish - is involved, they suddenly develop a passion for campaigning.

Stop The JNF is a contemptible organization and the charity commission has done a service to the cause of justice in dismissing its demands.