
Banning Hizbollah

May 23, 2013 15:21
1 min read

In January we revealed that David Cameron had asked the Jewish community to "make a noise" over Hizbollah, to help him persuade the EU to ban the terrorist organization.

There was - to put it mildly - some disquiet from No 10 that some of the community leaders present had seen fit to make public the Prime Minister's request. Be that as it may, there has indeed been a lot of noise on the subject. And Mr Cameron has now done what he said he would and formally requested that the EU proscribes Hizbollah. Much as the Prime Minister should be praised, it is little of short of astonishing that Hizbollah has ever been allowed to operate within the EU.

Funded primarily by Iran, Hizbollah is a terrorist outfit pure and simple and those who argue otherwise are either fools or knaves. But its EU fundraising is far from negligible and a ban on its activities would be a welcome blow.