Someone infriltrating racist movements in the US sent me this from John Kaminski...
Have a read...
By John Kaminskipseudoskylax@gmail.com
The ancient Hebrew prophets were really invaders from the desert sentby the kings of Babylon to plunder what was a sacred society ofancient Egyptians that basked in innocence without either wheels orhorses, and for most of their five thousand year run encountered fewenemies they couldn’t swat away because of their firm grasp on theriver of life. The inexplicable social phenomenon of the Hellenes, better known asthe ancient Greeks, with a mental brilliance that remains unmatched tothis day, was destabilized and disintegrated by wily Phoeniciantraders acting as agents for the slave owning silver miners whocontrolled the harbors and seas of the known world and paid the famousleaders of Athenian democracy to betray their own people. The greatest historian of them all, Edward Gibbon in his immortalDecline and Fall of the Roman Empire, states with eloquent certaintythat the foremost cause of the destruction of the greatest empire theworld has ever known was the comatose passivity of Christianity,sedulously instituted by “ . . . the zeal of the Jews.” France, Russia, Germany . . . all laid waste by contrivedfabrications, cynical mobilizations of the feckless rabble, and thesubsequent mindless slaughter of more millions of innocent neighborsthan we can sensibly count. Christianity killed the Roman Empire; Judaism killed the Americandream; both megacrimes emanate from the same source that strangles usnow — manipulation of belief, leading to capture of the currency,which inevitably escalates into an all-encompassing arc of desolation,debauchery, and mass death based on the hypocritical fallacies thatare forced into our brains by leaders who are corrupted by dreams ofglory and wealth. These all lead to happiness for no one, thoughnearly every person on the planet aspires to follow this same poisonedpath. I was comparing Christianity to Communism to my friend Clayton Douglasearlier tonight, and explained that each involved the mobilization ofcriminals who were granted instant pardons for their past sins andpromised the joys of a new society, not to mention guaranteed eternallife and the fabulous wealth of the czar. The end result of each wasthe same: Christianity produced the Dark Ages and the Inquisition, andCommunism furnished the Jewish gulags in which 66 million innocent nonJewish souls disappeared into bloodstained ice. Saul’s epiphany on the road to Damascus was really a strategy tovaporize the resonant fabric of Roman society, by making everyoneequal and delegitimizing the very things that made all these greatcountries great. Stalin’s murderous paranoia came to include even allhis Jewish allies and minions, a portent for the future that should beominous to all Jews and a good sign to the rest of us, indicating thatthe Jewish philosophy will eventually consume itself with its ownxenophobic hatred. But the question that brands itself into our mindsis how many of us will be killed by the omnilevel Talmudic killingmachine before Judaism is consigned to the macabre museum of humannightmares it has created for itself. The Jewish media spin on the gulags transferred the guilt to Germanyin a still later subversion of a country trying to be honest, but theGermanic trust in Jews to be honest citizens turned into a nightmareof aerial bombardment and disfigurement of the future when this newreligious Holocaust movement — the Jewish veneration of suffering anddeath — was sufficiently spun into the minds of almost everyone on theplanet. How is that all these well-meaning peoples all turned into villainsagainst progress in the recorded annals of history (always written bythe victors)? Simplistic Egyptians bustled in their tiny world building monuments tohope and fusing the sacred with the empirical in all of their actions,but they were no match for Persian technology and Jewish perfidy.After 500 years they finally found a way to rid themselves of the“lepers”, who then moved to Jerusalem and constructed a false historyof themselves that has deceived the world ever since. The valiant Greeks won wars they never should have with valor andsense, and had an intricacy and accuracy of thought that has neverbeen exceeded, only embellished, over all these centuries, yet losttheir way by following leaders that proved time and again a democracythat can be bought is no democracy at all. Perhaps the hardest to fall were the Romans, although they lasted solong that everyone seemed relieved that they finally did; still, thereare many who still say, blessing themselves with holy water, that itnever really did die. In any case, a very important lesson is to belearned when you figure out what really happened to Rome, and realizeit materialized millennia later in what they came to call the SovietUnion. The historian Gibbon repeats time and again that the processes ofrepentance and rejection of civic responsibilities eroded thevigilant, participatory fabric of Roman society, and the richness ofhuman experience represented by over 30,000 individual household godsor spirits reduced the human perceptual outlook into one of guilt forliving and worship in the worth of a superhuman man who was murderedby the powers that be, and supposedly got eternal life for histroubles. This is a reality shaping myth that is your ultimate rewardfor accepting slavery and the forfeiture of your self-determination. Russians actually had nothing to do with the Bolshevik Revolution. Itwas the work of Jewish bankers in New York, London, and Frankfurt, whofurnished the gold and the Jewish revolutionaries to exterminate theignorant peasants. But the real ignorance was the hubris of Westernintellectuals, who believed, by all their scholarly analyses, that itcouldn’t happen here. We need to mull over the notion that the greatest leaders in historywere the greatest killers. But there has always been one seeminglysacrosanct group, inevitably hiding behind the rectitudinal robes ofthe law and religion (which are so similar as to be the same), thatcreates the conditions for these pervs to emerge and dominate the restof us with a powerful public relations machine pushing him along. There was a time, back in the days of Persians and pharaohs, whenleaders were in possession of genuine duty to their subjects, due toan intellectual moral code that linked them to a deity. But as thepower of the purse increased, and the echoes of divine guidance fadedbeneath the glittering allure of expensive pleasures The voicegradually disappeared, and the kings let the bankers tell them what todo. Guess whose voice that was. We close this message with what the operant human mythology hasbecome, the suffering we are now supposed to worship in our conditionof terminal, diseased servitude to the Jews that control every aspectof our existences. It goes like this. This is the new hymn to G-d thatthey want us to learn. “Witnesses tell about killing of Jews by the thousands in one momentby high voltage current on huge, 7 km wide underground steelplatforms. They tell about killing by vacuum chambers, electric baths,chlorine gas, mustard gas, steam, by burning alive, by virtualtransformation of a crematorium into a veritable gas chamber, bydrowning, shooting, on heaps of burned lime in railway wagons,suffocation by gas from shower heads or from underground sources, or,alternatively, by gas slowly emanating from the solid Zyclon B putinto the notorious gas chambers by several different methods, by bloodpoisoning, by suffocating in lorries or in buses, where the exhaustgas had been led into the passenger compartment, by hand grenades, byboiling water, by deadly acids, by diesel motor exhaust gas, bytraceless annihilation via a newly developed explosive in a villagebuilt exclusively for that purpose, or, even by a German atomic bomb.All this had allegedly happened in the manner of an industrial projectaccording to a rigid master plan designed by one master mind, whichwas transmitted to the many executive organs by some sort of telepathyand wordless understanding. “— Dr. Gunther Kümel, Presentation of the H.-Hypothesis from 1900 to2006. And now, as well all know, this is not the story that happened, butrather is the story that is about to happen, although the techniquesof this nightmare have been modernized considerably. John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Floridapreaching the message that no problem in the world can beauthentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused byJewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect ofhuman endeavor throughout history.
Support for his work is whollyderived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know whatit means. 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, EnglewoodFL 34223 USA