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I’ve been rejected by a Gen Z friend thanks to TikTok and my editor

Young people are being turned into antisemites by the hate pumped out on social media

December 28, 2023 11:05
Gen Zers on their phones
2 min read

He won’t know it until he reads this column, but my editor Jake Wallis Simons is the reason for the breakdown of a friendship.

That’s piqued your interest, hasn’t it? I shall elaborate.

Seven years ago, I befriended a young woman who is now 21. W (as I’ll call her) comes from a terrible background; she has atrocious parents who have done and who continue to do things that make me weep.

And yet despite the serious abuse W has suffered, she is the kindest young person, an astonishing example of the triumph of nature over nurture. I recognized her inherent goodness when we first met at her care home and it is why I have looked out for her ever since. She deserves love.