Haggi Ram's book 'Iranophobia: the logic of an Israeli obsession, details the long standing discourse and rhetoric which is once more being utilised to represent Iran as 'radical other'. While, Ram argues it is understandable to be concerned by Iran, he states these fears and worries are exaggerated. Ram argues this discourse works on several levels, as a 'moral panic' that is associated with Israel's own crisis of modernity and 'contradictions and failures in the Jewish state'. These phobias are related to Israel's difficulties overcoming ethnic differences between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi since the 1970's and also religious differences within the Israeli state. Haggi Ram states:
'it is not coincidental, that Iran has been transformed into a repellent and frightening external other in Israeli imagination at the same time that Israel's ethnic and religious 'outsiders within' have shown Jewish-Israeli modernity to be in a state of crisis and not a finished ideal state seen as the clumination of a majestically plotted history... hence Iran became a screen onto which we Israeli Jews projected our own fears of difference' (page 18).
The representation of Iran, is tied to Israeli fears of protecting the under threat Israeli/Jewish identities, values and beliefs.
Lastly, i would like to know why its ok for America and Israel to have Nuclear weapons but not Iran. Lets be clear i am not advocating the use of nuclear weapons, merely interested in the double standards. Yes Iran is a threat, but Israel is also, its currently occupying large amounts of Palestinian land