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Iran is exploiting our universities more than Whitehall imagines

The IRGC has been using Iranian universities for the procurement of sensitive military research since 2009

July 13, 2023 10:49
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) military personnel parade under an Iranian Kheibar Shekan Ballistic missile 2kd8ntt
4 min read

A British academic at a university with ties to the Ministry of Defence sharing apparently sensitive aviation research with an Iranian university is far from being a “one-off”.

The way in which the totalitarian regime of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is exploiting UK universities for military research is much more systematic and organised than anyone in Whitehall might imagine.

And, to make matters even more concerning, the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) — which is yet to be proscribed by the UK government as a terrorist organisation — has its fingerprints all over it.

The IRGC’s role in controlling the regime’s nuclear, ballistic missile and drone programmes is well documented in the West.

What is less known, however, is how the IRGC uses Iranian universities for the procurement of sensitive military research and technology.

The JC recently reported that British universities had collaborated on drone research with two Iranian colleges — namely Sharif University and Shahid Beheshti University — that had been sanctioned by the UK in 2011 for “carrying out scientific research in relation to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities”.

But these two Iranian colleges are just the tip of the iceberg. In 2005, the presidency of IRGC-affiliate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would open the door for the IRGC’s entry to higher education in Iran.

From 2009, it began to use Iran’s top universities for its nefarious research, establishing its “Salman Headquarters” to absorb and mobilise high performing Iranian students.

But the major gearshift would take place in 2021 when, following the recommendation of the IRGC- controlled Iranian Defence Ministry, the “Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution” (SCCR) — the highest authority over educational and cultural affairs — unveiled a key strategic document entitled “The Comprehensive Act on Science and Technology in the Defence and Security field of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

