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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Ignorant myths about US healthcare

August 12, 2009 15:53
2 min read

There's a fantastically (and unintentionally) ironic sentence in a piece on US attitudes to the NHS in today's Guardian:

As myths and half-truths circulate, British diplomats in the US are treading a
delicate line in correcting falsehoods while trying to stay out of a vicious
domestic dogfight over the future of American health policy.

For myths and half-truths one needs only look to most UK coverage of the US health system, which is full of half-baked notions, lies and distortion. Until I came to the JC, I was a health-care policy wonk. A few years ago I testified before the US Senate on healthcare in the UK and EU; I'd say that, overall, the level of knowledge of our systems amongst opinion-formers on the other side of the Atlantic is far greater than ours about theirs, so that even intelligent adults in the UK carry around with them bizarre ideas of how health care works in the US.