Yes. I'm afraid you are. Of course, it could be much worse...many anti-zionists would conclude that you are also a racist and a Nazi.
The attached article appears on Cair's "Islamophobia" website, so one has to assume that if you do not concur, you are inevitably Islamophobic. Unfortunately, many British Jewish liberals (who actually voted Conservative) do not quite understand the implications of such restrictions on their thought processes; I fear that they are a bit slow to catch on. But that is how it is, and when it is too late, they will begin to comprehend what they are up against.
The good news, however, is that the Board of Deputies and Searchlight, are well aware of the problem, and will soon be able to announce, just how badly infected the Jewish community is with Islamophobia. As I write, a 3 million pound survey is being undertaken with funding from The Soros Foundation. Psychologists will, of course, be made available for people who are unfortunately deemed to be Islamophobic, and funding might also be secured for a short trip to Tehran. There is also the possibility of a lecture from Lauren Booth, although the dates have yet to be announced.
Prof Avi Shlaim, for the record, recently refused to debate with Prof Alderman in Belfast. Bear in mind, that Prof Shlaim hails from Oxford University, which used to be some kind of intellectual bastion (although, today, you might be foolish to send your hamster there.)
Prof Avi Shlaim concludes:
"This brief review of Israel's record over the past four decades makes it difficult to resist the conclusion that it has become a rogue state with "an utterly unscrupulous set of leaders". A rogue state habitually violates international law, possesses weapons of mass destruction and practises terrorism - the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. Israel fulfils all of these three criteria; the cap fits and it must wear it. Israel's real aim is not peaceful coexistence with its Palestinian neighbours but military domination. It keeps compounding the mistakes of the past with new and more disastrous ones. Politicians, like everyone else, are of course free to repeat the lies and mistakes of the past. But it is not mandatory to do so."
The attached is also on the "Islamophobia" website and it might help to explain precisely why you are Islamophobic. It was not written by Prof Shlaim although it is likely that he agrees:
"Hatred against Semite Arabs"
The philosophy of Jewish Zionism is based on Talmud’s hatred toward non-Jewish people (Gentile). Both Jewish and Christian Zionist – for their own evil ends – got together to create a Zionist entity in Palestine – by expelling the real Semite Arabs.
This is the hatred against Arabs and Muslims, which has provided a ‘religious/cultural’ bond between the Judeo-Christian West with Zionists who are occupying Arab lands now. This hatred has never stopped.
(Source: Walla!News (Haaretz), 10/01/2006
Translated by Dimi Reider)
Here is link to other stories of Israeli racism: