
However the reality is ...

November 24, 2016 23:03
1 min read

From a new Palestine Center of Public Opinion poll via IMRA (not yet on their website):

In regard to the question: “Do you think that Palestinians – in exchange for having their own independent state and concluding a peace deal with Israel – should give up their insistence about the Right of Return, which Israel will never accept, or not ?”, the striking majority of (89.8%) answered:”No, they shouldn’t do that even if no peace deal would be concluded”, whilst only (6.8%) said “Yes, Palestinians should do that”, and (3.4%) said “ I don’t know”.

And responding to the question: “In case the Palestinian leadership would waive the Right of Return and accept in exchange for that the monetary compensation, would you accept that too, or refuse it ?”, (89.5%) said “I would refuse that”, whilst only (7.3%) said “I would accept that” and (3.2%) said “I don’t know”.

There you have it. Even if Israel would give up every square centimeter gained in 1967, the vast majority of Palestinian Arabs - brainwashed by years of propaganda that told them that they, uniquely in history, have the "right" to "return" to land that their ancestors fled - would not accept peace.

So no matter what Israel does, it will never be enough. Never. So what precisely did the delegates admit into UNESCO?

(H/T Elder of Ziyon)