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David Aaronovitch

ByDavid Aaronovitch, David Aaronovitch


Have I got Jews for you!

The AsaJews are a disgrace, argues David Aaronovitch

May 5, 2016 13:05
2 min read

Last weekend, as Ken Livingstone was doing the rounds of the broadcasting studios and battle was joined over the question of Hitler the Unexpected Zionist, my online world was invaded by the Asajews. They weren't contacting me directly, the Asajews, but they were being deployed in my direction by a number of Twitter users.

The deployers were what you might call "left Labour loyalists" - people who had stoutly maintained that Ed Miliband was a winner and who are now determined that the world should give Jeremy a chance. I am reasonably sure that none of them was Jewish, but this was Twitter so who can know?

Anyway, this was the gist of what they said. Had I seen - link supplied - this statement/letter in the Guardian, this article on the Open Democracy website or wherever, saying that the whole Labour antisemitic row was an exaggeration by Labour-haters who just wanted a pretext to ditch the People's Tribune? Sometimes sending the link was enough and sometimes - unsubtly and just in case I hadn't got the point - they would add, "are these people antisemitic too?"

The "these people" were the Asajews. I heard quite a few of them on Any Answers last week. "As a Jew myself, I want to tell you that…" And there followed something that would say that the contributor believed that Labour had no antisemitism problem and that the real problem was those who kept on going on about antisemitism when what they were truly objecting to was any criticism of the state of Israel.