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Dave Rich

ByDave Rich, Dave Rich


Hatred at the heart of the campus wars

November 2, 2015 10:47
Demonstrators at last year's \"Celebrate Israel\" parade in New York march in protest against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement supporters
5 min read

Given the concerns that we hear today about antisemitism and anti-Zionism on university campuses, it is worth remembering that there was a time when Jewish student societies were banned outright in some students' unions. This happened when many of the parents of today's Jewish student generation were themselves students, and many of its lessons about antisemitism, anti-Zionism and Jewish identity are as relevant now as they were then. The story begins 40 years ago this month, when one of Israel's greatest political figures, Chaim Herzog, addressed the United Nations to respond to the UN's notorious resolution that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

Herzog felt that he was speaking not just for Israel, but on behalf of the entire Jewish people. "I stand here not as a supplicant", he told the UN General Assembly. "I stand here before you as the representative of a strong and flourishing people". Herzog condemned the resolution as "an antisemitic attack of the foulest type", noting that it had been adopted on the anniversary of the Nazi pogrom of Kristallnacht, and dismissed it as having no "moral or legal value."

He concluded by saying that "for us, the Jewish people, this is no more than a piece of paper, and we shall treat it as such" and, then, with a theatrical flourish, he ripped up a copy of the resolution and left the podium.

Unfortunately for Herzog and Israel, the resolution carried great moral value for many others. The ''Zionism equals racism'' slogan has become the core mobilising idea of modern, left-wing anti-Zionism, despite the resolution's subsequent revocation in 1991.