
Hamantaschen and toast - are they ever singular?

Certain foods always come in pairs...

March 10, 2020 11:23
1 min read

I may be sharing our collective ignorance, but a group of JC staff and I were discussing hamantaschen - as you do - and I asked what a singular one would be. 

Between five educated and informed eaters, some JC employees for many years, not one of us were certain of the singular for hamantaschen. We agreed it was most likely a hamantasch - since verified by Professor Google - but that who EVER talks about eating a hamantasch?! 

Which led us to the conclusion that we always eat a minimim of two of the triangular treats at a time.  (On another note, I really must find some other alliterative term for the Purim biscuit as even I am starting to tire of that one.)

I think toast is ruled by a similar habit. Who eats just one slice? A toaster has two slots for a reason - one slice is never enough.  Same goes for hamantaschen - it's impossible to eat just one. Especially the teeny tiny ones I've made for my daughter to send into school today which were no more than a mouthful. 

I used this recipe - the very best biscuity dough recipe around. Thanks to my fantastic friend and chef, Amir Batito. This was the recipe that converted me from hamantaschen hater to dedicated devourer. I filled the ones going to school with JIm Jam lower sugar chocolate spead and then dipped one corner in melted choc and a layer of rainbow-coloured sprinkles. In fact, my daughter cut the circles and spooned on the filling and then did the decorating. Watched by a kvelling Fresser.  

Whether you stop at one hamantasch or indulge in a handful of hamantaschen, Chag Sameach Purim!