
Good things come to those that wait

February 16, 2012 07:38
1 min read

First let me say that " postphoned " is a very diplomatic choice of words.

Because I choose not to quibble with "there is such a thing as anti Israeli racism ( as opposed to anti semitism ), doesn't mean I am comfortable with the language. Many people wanted to see an end to the Soviet Union but I never heard it called racism. But like I said I will play. I won't quibble.

The problem with these kinds of empirical statements is that regardless of how many confirming instances there are just one counter example renders them false.

This why scientists say there are no scientific facts just theories.We have varying degrees of confidence in these theories. Take the theory that water boils at 100C at sea level.We have so much confidence in this theory that we act as if it were a fact rather a product of inductive reasoning.When we get on an airplane we express confidence in a whole host of theories since we have not encountered any counter instances.

How do the statements you invite me to agree with rate as theories ? Not very well I am afraid.

" Seeking the destruction of Israel...." That is probably the best bet. " Destruction " has apocolyptic undertones. The destruction of Israel would involve the destruction of many people. When people think Israel they think Jews. So I would say that that is genocidal anti semitism.

However, variants such as " a bad idea ", " should be dismantled ", " should not have come about " , etc not so. To say that these ARE racist is false because there will be any number of counter examples. Why can't you be content with the entirely true statement that such things are often motivated by racism ?

Will deal with the singling out thing tomorrow. Got up late ha ha ha .

PS don't be too hard on Jose. After all it was a free education ha ha ha