
Finklestein Finklers Frank The Fraud

February 16, 2012 12:42
2 min read

On the basis that you can never have too much of a good thing , I think it appropriate to add a few comments to Jonathans post detailing Norman Finklesteins recent interview given to the bds at Imperial College .
It's difficult to put into words the manner in which Finklestein not only questions the underlying motives of the bds but does it in such a manner that makes clear his utter contempt for the organisation and its affiliates . One needs to view the full 30 minutes in order to appreciate the manner in which he disparages and effectively dismantles the whole rotten edifice .
Finklestein starts by saying that you cannot use the law selectively . Insisting on ROR for 4, 5 maybe 6 million Palestinians depending on whose definition of a refugee is being used falls outside the remit of International law . The idea that the intrinsic nature and identity of Israel as a Jewish homeland that must be eliminated by such demographic change is enough to alienate all but the most extreme public opinion and is thus counter productive . The end goal must be two states for two people and recognition of the Jewish state .
I lost count of the number of times Finklestein labelled the bds a mere cult . A cult with grandiose ideas that has failed to mobilise the Palestinian masses and grass root organisations . He is contemptuous of the so called victories claimed by the bds so far to date .
He also mentioned the utter corruption and mendacity of the so called Palestinian leadership .

It took me a while to take this in . At first I thought it was a spoof .After all Finklesteins mono expression could be replicated with a mask but the voice was a giveaway .
Finklesteins interlocutor , one hapless comrade by the name of Frank Barat looked like he also thought it was a hoax but must have wished for the ground to open up . I imagine he's now in hiding , Siberia , or undergoing radical reprogramming down at politburo headquarters .

It's really difficult to figure how this got to air given the Stalinist control of agit prop but make it it did and despite the best efforts of the comrades to get it taken down , it's pretty much gone viral . Never in the field of counter propaganda has so much damage been done by one man to one cause by one video . ( apologies Winston )

The psc / bds are now in a state of denial and damage limitation .
How sweet coming soon after their exposure by HP and others as a repository for antisemites and Holocaust deniers

What with the Atzmonites breathing down on him , I almost feel sorry for Goldstein Greenstein but then again ....