Purlease,,, Gesture politics at its most empty. What a load of *%$@! I will make sure to turn on every light in my house between 9 and 10pm on Thursday week.
Mind you, this extract from the piece reminded me of a lovely story:
The politician-turned-climate campaigner, whose surprise hit film An Inconvenient Truth warns of the imminent dangers of global warming, had hoped that his gesture would be as emblematic as that made by he actor Will Smith when he coordinated people across the world to click their fingers every three seconds during the Live8 concerts in 2005 to convey the frequency with which children were dying in Africa.The story: Bono starts clicking his fingers roughly every three seconds. This goes on for what seems to the crowd as ten minutes. Eventually Bono steps up to mike and says that "everytime I click my fingers a young child in Africa dies of starvation". Right after that profound statement a member of the crowd shouts to the front stage "stop ****ing doin' it then".